Residents of Iju Ishaga area of Lagos state on Sundayevening allegedly discovered another hideout of human traffickers in their vicinity while four young men were apprehended.
The hideout, located at the back of the popular Iju Ishaga car park, covers a vast land of bushes and unknown to most residents of the area, it is the hideout where the alleged suspects carry out their deadly activities.
Eyewitnesses at the scene gave different accounts of what they believed to have happened.
An eyewitness who craves anonymity, said “I did not know that this place is so big, in fact, most of the people here do not know as we pass this place regularly, although I know that there is a land located here. I was fortunate to be passing around where I heard people shouting ‘won ti mu won’, meaning, ‘they have been apprehended’. That was what caught my attention and by the time I got here (inside), they had caught them”.
A seller who owns a shop close to where the suspects were caught, Moses Omueta, said they have been noticing the movements of strange faces entering the bush.
“I sell clothes here and we have been seeing strange faces enter this place (pointing to the scene) but I don’t think anything of it as most people go there to defecate until this evening when those people were caught and that was when I knew something else had been going on there. The place is indeed big and we saw different clothes and other items scattered all over the place”, he said.
When the suspects were questioned, they refuse to give any meaningful reason why they were there. In fact, they refused to talk.
The suspects were then handed over to police officers from the Red House Police Division.
Lagos Daily New
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